Senior Democratic Party Leaders™ have spoken out, after the electoral disaster of November 5, 2024, of the need to reform the election process in the Untied States of America. Anonymous DNC sources, speaking anonymously, because they were not authorized to speak on behalf of the people melting down, are suggesting that, not only should the Constitutional mechanism of choosing POTUS be abandoned, but the entire popular vote should be discarded, also.
"Look, when we had the popular vote, we had excuses. We don't have excuses anymore." said one anonymous source. "The reality is that we need to eliminate excuses and any need for them. Eliminating the popular vote, along with the Electoral College, will take care of that problem."
"It's quite clear that a popular vote only leads to Hitler being elected by NAZIs," asserted another anonymous Leader™. "We have to end this divisive political climate created by the garbage American people and do away with popular voting, altogether!"
A source close to Nancy Pelosi stated, "Well, we ended the popular vote in the Democratic Party when we shoved Joe under the bus. We showed how effective ending popular voting within the Party could be. We just need to expand that success to the entire country. If America leads, the world will follow."
Democrats are experiencing terrible consternation and asking, as one anonymous source expressed, "Where did America go wrong? How did we get here? Why was the media not capable of convincing people how stupid they are? Why did our scold lectures not work? We tried to inform them of how racist, sexist, misogynistic, racist, transphobic, Islamophobic, racist and sexist they are and they just didn't listen. We seem to have a messaging problem."
It's seems very clear that the Democratic Party thinks Americans are stupid and they are now searching for a better form of messaging to convince them of how stupid they are and how smart the Democratic Party is.
"We must convince stupid people to be unburden by what has been," said one anonymous source.
The Party™ clearly has work to do to arrest the development of these Unsettling™ trends in these Uncertain™ times.
Statistics: Posted by Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt — 11/17/2024, 11:09 pm — Replies 2 — Views 596